Dr. Jordan Karsten (Right, standing)
Jordan Karsten, PhD
Dr. Jordan Karsten has a Ph.D. in Anthropology and is an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. His expertise is the human skeleton - including the excavation of human burials, identification of small human bone fragments, and the determination of age, sex, race, and height based on skeletal material.
In his role, Dr. Karsten has frequently been asked to assist various law enforcement agencies in cases that involve human remains, helping to locate and excavate burials. His expertise is so useful to investigators that he has begun teaching a continuing education course for law enforcement personnel on the identification and excavation of human remains.
Matt Hiskes
Matt Hiskes has a Master’s Degree in Communications and works primarily in the healthcare industry. In his day-to-day life, Matt is a communications and media specialist, writer, graphic designer, and producer.
With that said; Matt has always been passionate about the field of archaeology and the thrill of uncovering mysteries of the past. These interests have led him to join Dr. Karsten on several expeditions in search of human remains, traveling across the globe to locate valuable skeletal data and long-lost artifacts.